Best Communication Skills Tips You Will Read This Year

Introduction to Communication Skills:

Communication is a key element in any human activity. Communication is a learned skill. However, although most people are born with the physical ability to speak, not everyone can communicate well unless they make a special effort to develop and improve this communication skill. Very often we take the ease with which we communicate with each other for granted, to the point where we sometimes forget how complex the process of communication actually is. Communication takes place when we are supposedly on the same level of understanding and understanding as the other participants in the conversation. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gesturing, touching, using pictures, and broadcasting. So communication is not what is said, either verbally or non-verbally, but what is understood...

What is Communication?

Communication is a word derived from the Latin word communis or commūnicāre, meaning "to make common" or "to share". Communication is the act of conveying the intended meaning to another person using mutually intelligible signs and language. Communication is the art of transferring information, ideas, and attitudes from one person to another.

Communication is the process of meaningful interaction between human beings. The basic steps of communication are the formation of the communication intention, the composition of the message, the encoding of the message and the transmission of the signal, the reception of the signal, the decoding of the message, and finally the interpretation of the message by the recipient.

Communication is simply the transfer of information from one place to another. When you call or talk verbally to your friend, you are said to be communicating with your friend.

Characteristics of Communication Skills:

Characteristics of Communication The characteristics of communication include 

  1. Communication is a process: Communication is a 2-way process that includes; listening to others (receiving) messages and Creating/expressing (sending). 
  2. Communication is dynamic: constantly changing depending on the variables at play.  
  3. Communication is a complex process.
  4. Communication is a two-way process of achieving mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning. 
  5. Communication involves sharing information using code
  6. Communication takes place between people and sometimes animals. 
  7. Communication is irreversible: once a person communicates something, it cannot be recalled. 
  8. Communication is a system 
  9.  Communication must-have elements of communication: Sourcereceiverchannelmessagenoise, and feedback
  10. Communication can be verbal/non-verbal or visual
  11. Communication can be casualespecially non-verbal 

Functions of Communication Skills:

Communication Functions People communicate for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the reasons we need to communicate:

  1. Change behavior
  2.  Influence others 
  3. Express your thoughts and emotions through words and actions. 
  4. It is a tool for controlling and motivating people. 
  5. It is a social and emotional process. 
  6. Communicate to increase confidence 
  7. Have fun
  8. Educate 
  9. Build relationships 
  10. Inform 
  11. Solve problems 
  12. Make orders 
  13. Give instructions

Forms Communication:

  • Form of verbal communication All forms of communication can be divided into verbal and non-verbal
  • Both verbal and non-verbal communication can be divided into vocal and non-vocalVerbal communication involves using speech to exchange information with others. We usually communicate verbally in face-to-face conversations such as; meetingsinterviewsconferencesspeechesphone calls, etc.
  • Much of the communication that takes place between people is both verbal and non-verbal; that is, it is based on language and gestures. Verbal communication of the vocal category includes spoken language, while non-vocal verbal communication includes written communication as well as communication.

Communication by Signs :

Which is communicated using sign language, fingerspellingBraille, or other similar alternatives to verbal language. 

Paraverbal/Paralinguistic/Paralinguistic FeaturesParalinguistic or paralinguistic features are aspects of spoken communication that do not involve words. They add emphasis or shades of meaning to what people say. Paralinguistic features accompany verbal communication and are vocal signals beyond basic verbal communication. Paralinguistic elements in human speech convey meaning beyond the words and grammar used. Examples of paralinguistic properties include pitch, rate, voice quality, and amplitude. Other forms of paralanguage may also include laughter or imitative speech. Prosody, which is the rhythm, pattern, stress, rate, volume, inflection, and intonation of a person's speech, is also a form of paralanguage. People convey meaning not only by what they say but also by how they say it. Paralinguistic features used by speakers indicate meaning, express speakers' attitudes, and convey their emotions. Paralinguistic functions also alert the listener to how to interpret the message. Many of these paralinguistic features are culturally coded and inherent in verbal communication, often at a subconscious level. Nonverbal communication is a type of communication that uses gestures and body language. The term "body language" is sometimes used to refer to non-verbal communication. "Body language" is the communication of personal feelings, emotions, attitudes, and thoughts through body movements such as gestures, posture, facial expressions, touch, smell, walking styles, and positions between

Other. These movements can be made either consciously or involuntarily; more often they "happen" subconsciously and may or may not be accompanied by words.

Elements of Communication:

Every personal communication basically has three elements

These three elements have different importance to the meaning of the message: 

  •  Words make up 7% 
  •  The tone of voice makes up 38% and 
  •  Body language makes up 55% of the message. 
Our body language and tone of voice should match the words we use. This is only possible when we say what we want to say and say it right. 

Otherwise, we can confuse people and reduce the chance that our message will be understood. Nonverbal communication can lead to misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, and even conflict if interviewees are careless. 

Non-verbal communication includes

  • (L)OOKS 
Body language and kinesics are based on patterns of behavior in non-verbal communication. Body language can actually contradict verbal communication and reveal our inner feelings about any particular person or topic, either intentionally or unintentionally. The way you fold your arms, cross your legs, sit, stand, walk, and move your head, eyes, and lips reveal what you might be thinking...

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